Welcome @ MEGA-doc

Adding Value to What You Have, Delivering What You Need

MEGA-doc is an experienced value-added-reseller (VAR), specializing in delivering tailored IT solutions for the healthcare industry. What sets us apart is our ability to go beyond only supplying IT products—our expertise is to add value by configuring, customizing, and assembling third-party hardware & software to meet the unique needs of your business and your end customers. From supply chain management to quality control, every aspect of our process is crafted to ensure efficiency, reliability and compliance. As your single point of contact, we streamline operations, enabling you to focus on growing your business.

Would you like to know more about our role as Value Added Reseller in IT Hardware and Software for Healthcare?

Please don't hesitate to ask us

Contact Us

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  • We geven ze alleen door aan anderen als dat nodig is om jouw vraag af te handelen.
  • We bewaren ze niet langer dan nodig.

  • In ons privacybeleid lees je meer over hoe we omgaan met jouw persoonsgegevens.


+32 54 51 52 53


Schipstraat 2
9550 Sint-Lievens-Esse